Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Fortune Cookies

In an earlier blog I answered the question, “What are four weird traits you have?” My answer was:

Did you know that the “random” lucky numbers on the little slip inside your “Chinese” fortune cookie are not really random? They are chosen so that you can perform mathematical operations on them (using each number no more than once) and come up with any number between 1 and 100? I’m 67, so if two of the numbers were 56 and 11, that’s pretty obvious. But what if four of the numbers were 45, 26, 24, and 11. Then you could construct a formula of 45+(11*(26-24)) = 45+(11*2) = 45+22 = 67. Sometimes you may actually need all six of the numbers given, but rest assured, your age can be found. Whenever my wife and I go to a Chinese restaurant and are given a fortune cookie, then I won’t discard the little slips of paper until I have constructed the formula for both my and her ages.

I decided to write a blog giving a “proof” of this, so instead of throwing it away, I brought home the latest fortune cookie insert that I received from our favorite Chinese restaurant. Here are the “lucky numbers” that were on it – 29, 42, 12, 3, 33, 22.

While it is a bit time-consuming to find all the formulas for all 100 possibilities, here they are for this set of numbers. Interesting fact, isn’t it?

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