Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Day 7 – What tattoos you have and if they have meaning

Day 7 – What tattoos you have and if they have meaning

Well, this one is easy – I have no tattoos, and thus they have no meaning. But since this is a writing challenge, let me discourse on the subject of tattoos.

It’s not exactly a secret that I’m pretty conservative – as are many people of my generation. So my views on tattoos are also pretty conservative. I have no particular problem with the “discrete” use of tattoos for those who want to endure the pain of getting them. This would include ones such as ladies with an “ankle chain” or a small butterfly on the back of the shoulder or the small of the back, or for men the name of their wife or something else significant such as their military service on the upper arm. Most of these are not visible when the person is wearing clothing, except for beachwear or things like “muscle shirts”. It’s not for me, but I’m ok with others doing so.

But it’s the more recent trends of the large, highly visible, tattoos that I think are inappropriate. These include such ones as the “sleeve” which covers the entire arm from shoulder to wrist, or other large ones which cover portions of the body such as the upper torso and neck. There are also ones which are used to identify members of a gang, and highly colored ones which are meant for display. Also tattoos are now being placed on different parts of the body such as the face, ears, fingers and hands, etc. To my way of thinking, if one is dressed for work – whether formal or “business casual” – and the tattoo is showing, then it’s not appropriate.

This new tattoo trend is something that has only happened in the last 40 or so years and while it seems to be an acceptable form of “art” to the younger generations, I still say that “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and these new forms, while they may be highly elaborate and “artistic” are not beautiful to me.

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